📹 How do I edit the privacy settings of a video?

  1. If you are the owner of a video, you will have access to the privacy settings for that video. The owner of the video is determined by who captured the video.
  2. Hover over the video and click the ‘Pencil’ icon.
  3. Click on the ‘Privacy’ tab.
  4. Choose the privacy setting for the video: public, private, roster, or custom.
    1. Roster: Only your team can view the video.
    2. Custom: Select which types of users can view the video.
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’ to apply your settings.

tagup is designed to be a positive platform where players can gain exposure and grow. While we encourage sharing moments that can help others and showcase growth, we understand that individual comfort levels vary. It’s up to players and parents to set privacy standards that align with personal preferences.

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