How do I capture a game?

There are 4 main ways to capture a game and get it into the tagup ecosystem.  

tagupCam App pitch by pitch

tagupCam App entire game

Video camera

Action camera.

1.  Pitch by pitch with the tagupCam sports capture mobile app.
This is the most efficient, and recommended way to capture a game.  

Start recording when the pitcher has the ball in their hand.  
Stop recording when the ball has been returned to the pitcher, or the play has ended.  
Click 'End at Bat' to begin tagupCompression to merge the clips after each at bat.  
Upon completion, tagupSync will automatically upload the complete at bat to your channel.

2. Entire game with the tagupCam sports capture mobile app.
Short on help?  Simply mount your phone to the fence, click 'start', and walk away.  
When the game ends, click 'stop', and the game will be saved to your cameraroll or gallery.

To get the same results as capturing a game, pitch by pitch, you will have to recapture the game.
Open tagupCam, click the 'record' button, and select tagupCapture.
Select the game you would like to recapture, and enter the game details.
Watch the game on your phone, just as you would as if you were at the field, clicking 'Start', 'Stop' and 'End at Bat'.
Plays will be merged in real-time with tagupCompression after each bat, and uploaded to your channel with tagupSync.
While it takes a few more steps, the end result will be exactly as if you captured the game, pitch by pitch from the field.

3.  Video camera
Record the game as  you normally would with your video camera.
Save the file on your computer in a place on your desktop or in a folder that you can easily access.  
Plug your phone into your computer, and drag the file onto your phone.
Open tagupCam, click the 'record' button, and select tagupCapture.
Select the game you would like to recapture, and enter the game details.
Watch the game on your phone, just as you would as if you were at the field, clicking 'Start', 'Stop' and 'End at Bat'.
Plays will be merged in real-time with tagupCompression after each bat, and uploaded to your channel with tagupSync.
While it takes a few more steps, the end result will be exactly as if you captured the game, pitch by pitch from the field.

4.  Action camera
Record the game as  you normally would with your action camera.
Save the file on your computer in a place on your desktop or in a folder that you can easily access.  
Plug your phone into your computer, and drag the file onto your phone.
Open tagupCam, click the 'record' button, and select tagupCapture.
Select the game you would like to recapture, and enter the game details.
Watch the game on your phone, just as you would as if you were at the field, clicking 'Start', 'Stop' and 'End at Bat'.
Plays will be merged in real-time with tagupCompression after each bat, and uploaded to your channel with tagupSync.
While it takes a few more steps, the end result will be exactly as if you captured the game, pitch by pitch from the field.

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